What Are Frumples?

Frumples are a dream come true. I am a potter and worked in a studio with 3-8 others potters for years. We did not own a pugmill(machine that remixes scraps into usable clay) so I kept all the scraps in zip lock bags. I had the FRUMPLE dream and my sister said make something and I used all the scraps to make little faces -- all different colors just like people. I started dreaming poems. I could say a word/subject/place, 10 times before bed and then wake up with a poem on the tip of my toungue. This went on for months. I would print and laminate the poems on little cards. I put out bowls of FRUMPLES and the cards and people could pick a FRUMPLE to go with the title of the card they liked in Fanueil Hall in Boston in a few months a year and at a few craft shows in New England. Where I am originally from.
I had a non profit called "Party For Purpose" and THE FRUMPLE FACTORY paid the non-profit which then paid me. I was also a bartender, an electrologist(hair removal) and a single MOM..( I have a son, Jesse)

I went to an International networking training in LA and a team of people came together. Russ Hale created my logo and I was introduced through a presentation to someone who had a machine that was able to accelerate the FRUMPLES.
The team eventually fell apart and so did I for a bit. Then a friend gave me a check for $10,000 and said make it happen.
So I did my first show in Bradenton, FL., The Hunsader Farm Pumpkin Festival,with accelerated FRUMPLES. It was a huge success. I have continue doing shows for 7 years - to my knowledge all the FRUMPLES sold - are still working and 14 have been returned out of over 50,000 I have made and sold.
Do they work??? I don't know - I never paid to have official tests done and I have plenty of testimonies that say they do!!
There are now a bunch of bracelets on the market using kinesiology testing to prove thay help balance and health. I do not know there technology. I did buy 2, I-Renew bracelets and they both broke within 1 month. MY understanding is the bracelets with the hologram go cloudy and do not work any longer. The cost is from $5 - $100's ??? Do they work ?? I don't know. I do know they are machine produced and generally from somewhere other than the USA.
I know FRUMPLES are all hand made by me and I know they get accelerated and then sit in a scaler wave to infuse the acceleration. I do know NO TWO will ever be identicle. I have testimonies at each show from people who love their FRUMPLE. I have had spouses say I know when my other half does not have their FRUMPLE on!! Do they work? If they only make you smile more -- does that make a difference?
What I do know for me is working out at the gym is easier with a FRUMPLE and I cannot sleep with a FRUMPLE on.
They are all individually hand made by me -- they get fired in my kiln and then accelerated. I then have help stringing and bagging and sell them at craft shows and online.
Right now I do know that www.frumples.com is newly renovated and that I am learning how to add to it and will start blogging SOON.
I do know that for today to buy a FRUMPLE online www.frumples.com.
I do know if you use a therapeutic grade essential oil "neat" on a FRUMPLE not only will you smell good but it helps you breath easier or think clearer and it lasts all day!!
I do know I have made many friends and probably a few enemies along the way and this is what life looks like when its working.
Please send an email if you have specific questions or requests.