One of my personal goals of the planet is to get everyone vibrating at a higher level -- sort of like the book The 100th Monkey. In my mond when people all start vibrating in the realm of compassion and love the world will be a nicer place to be and FRUMPLES vibration will be the norm!! And I will have to create what’s next!!
Like FOOD not LAWNS.. People spend millions on growing great lawns and then complain about the cost of food to "EAT a HEALTHY diet. The chemicals alone in one lawn can poisen a whole water supply for everyone -- and it does! The filtration systems are cleaning water partially and our government is allowing POISEN such as flouride to be poured into it!! Help-where does it all stop. At least we have access to water -which is more than 1/2 the world.
Energy flows either positive or negative -- if thoughts are things then start thinking nicer thoughts - for all the nice things one bad thought can undo all the positive.
EMF's are wreaking havoc with our planet as a whole -- bees are leaving, animals are dying, people are getting sicker and sicker.
Balance your health with eating organic food,drinking clean water, working out at least 30 min. 3-4 times a week, reading labels and wearing high energy jewelry. It all helps.
Watch the movie - The Beautiful Truth -- every person 12 and older has to wake up to the difference they make in balancing the planet!
More to come..:)
THRIVE...available online for $5 .. Will help to enlighten and is a movement for enhancement of the future of our lives.